Prices and services

Prices and services

Risk analysis and consulting: free of charge

Special packages for Content Price
Health Check All HIV / Syphilis rapid test, smears for gonorrhea and chlamydia 50,00 €
PrEP Check PrEP Users HIV and syphilis lab test, smears on chlamydia and gonococci, check of kidney function and consultation 50,00 €

S.A.M. - My home test

All Submission test package for HIV, syphilis, chlamydia and gonococci for taking samples at home

Initial kit 75,00 € (incl. shipping), Follow-up kits 59,00 € (incl. shipping)

INSTI Multiplo All Combined HIV/Syphilis Rapid Test 30,00 €


Single tests for all Price
HIV rapid test 26,00 €
HIV laboratory test 26,00 €
HIV PCR or viral load determination 130,00 €
Determination of helper cells 100,00 €

HIV self-test by Exacto for home care
see also

25,00 €
Syphilis laboratory addiction test 15,00 €
Syphilis laboratory test (for known old syphilis) 27,00 €
Hepatitis B Serology (addiction test) 20,00 €
Hepatitis A/B vaccine determination je 6,00 €
Hepatitis C rapid test 25,00 €
Hepatitis C laboratory test 13,00 €

Tripper / Chlamydia Smear tests (anal / oral / vaginal / urethral) by self-examination
As a measure of infection protection against coronavirus, we no longer offer oral swabs for the time being.

25,00 €